Starting a Rescue Live Guide Co-Browsing Session
Start a Rescue Live Guide session to see what your customers see on any website, and provide real-time guided assistance to help them complete digital tasks, such as completing an online application, changing their subscription, or locating a resource.
If your company uses the codeless implementation of Rescue Live Guide, it needs to have its unique and dedicated Rescue Live Guide branded URL registered: [your_domain]
The below procedures assume that the support agent is already engaged with the customer via phone, chat or other messaging channel to be able to guide them through the steps needed to start the shared browsing session.
Starting a Session via PIN Code
Starting a Session via Session URL
By choosing to start a session via session URL, you can make the process easier for both the customer and yourself. No PIN code needs to be exchanged with the customer. You can simply generate a one-time session URL and send it to the customer, who will only have to click it to start the session.