Install the Integration Application
From this article you can learn how to install the integration application.
- Download the LogMeIn Rescue Integration application.
- In the ServiceNow Store, navigate to the ServiceNow listing for LogMeIn Rescue.
- Click Get.
Result: You are prompted to enter your HI credentials.
- Install the LogMeIn Rescue Integration application.
- Log in to the ServiceNow instance on which you want to install the application.
- Navigate to .
- Click the Not Installed tab.
- Locate the app, and click Install.
Result: Your app is automatically installed onto your instance.
Configure LogMeIn Rescue
You can learn from this article how to configure LogMeIn Rescue in ServiceNow
Define a Global Single Sign-On Password
Define a global single sign-on (SSO) password and obtain your unique company ID from LogMeIn Rescue.
Define a Single Sign-On ID for each technician
Repeat the following steps for each LogMeIn Rescue technician who is a ServiceNow agent using the integration.
Link LogMeIn Rescue Back to ServiceNow
You can learn from this article how to link Rescue back to ServiceNow.
Upgrading the application
If you are upgrading this application from a prevous version and you do not have Customer Service installed, do the following:
- As a user with the LogMeIn admin role, navigate to .
- Open Check for CSM FixScript.
- Click Run Fix Script.