Managing Technician Status
Status is communicated in the log and illustrated by an icon displayed next to the technician's name in the Console Status area at the upper left of the Technician Console.
An online technician can accept any session allowed for his Technician Group.
A technician can set his own status to Away by clicking the Online icon. The Away icon will flash while the technician is in Away status. Click the flashing Away icon to switch back to Online.
Sessions cannot be transferred to an Away technician, but an Away technician can see all sessions in his queue and pick up new sessions.
Administrators can set technician status to automatically switch to Away after a given period of system-level inactivity.
A technician cannot set his own status to Busy. This is an automatic setting controlled by the LogMeIn Rescue administrator. Administrators can set technician status to automatically switch to Busy once a technician reaches a given number of active sessions.
Sessions cannot be transferred to a Busy technician, but a Busy technician can see all sessions in his queue and pick up new sessions.