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Setting up unattended access on multiple computers (Access Wizard)

This article gives guidance to Rescue Administrators.

By using the Access Wizard, LogMeIn Rescue customers can conveniently mass-deploy the Unattended Access service to multiple devices. Once the installer is deployed, LogMeIn Rescue Administrators can manage the machines associated with each MSI they created.

Creating the Installer

Master Account Holders and Master Administrators can create MSI installers with the Access Wizard.
Note: The installer is only compatible with a direct connection to; it is unable to connect to a proxy using a PAC file.
  1. Log in to your Rescue account, and go to My Account.
  2. Click Launch Access Wizard.

    Result: The Access Wizard page is displayed.

    Note: At any time during the process, you can return to the My Account page by clicking Discard & close in the bottom right corner. This, however, will discard all the parameters you have configured.

  3. Configure the parameters for the installer.
    The name you provide here will identify the installer and the computers associated with it in the following places.
    • In the Admin Center: On the Computers tab, under section Unattended MSI-s (for detailed information, see Managing Unattended Access in the Admin Center).
    • In the Technician Console: In the Description field of the Unattended Accessible tab in the Computers window.
      Note: To see the list of Unattended Accessible Computers, click the Computers icon on the Session Toolbar.
    You must add a description. This will appear in the Admin Center as the description of the computers on which the installer has been deployed.
    Daily time range
    Select a time range if you want the unattended machines to be available only during set hours (for example, business hours, or off hours only). If no range is defined, the default (12 AM - 12 AM) value means the unattended machines will be available 24 hours a day.
    Unattended access expires in
    You can set an expiration date (defined in days or weeks) for Unattended Access, or check Never expires for permanent access.
    Reuse host name
    Reuses an existing unattended session for a computer if it registers with the same host name and UA package. This prevents the creation of duplicate sessions due to system restores or OS reimaging. Helps avoid cluttering the list of computers with 'ghost' entries.
  4. Click Next Step.

    Result: Step 2/3 of the Wizard is displayed.

  5. Select the technician(s) and/or Technician Group(s) you want to enable to access any machine on which this particular installer is deployed.
    • To select individual users, use the Technicians tab.
    • To select one or more entire Technician Group, use the Technician Group tab.
    Note: When you select a Technician Group, members of that group show as checked when reviewing the Technicians tab.
  6. Click Next step.

    Result: The final screen of the Wizard displays a summary of the package that is being created.

    Note: If you need to make any changes, you can return to a previous step by clicking Previous step.

  7. To generate and download the MSI installer, click Download installer.

    Result: Once the installer is generated, you are prompted to save the file on your computer.

  8. To exit the Wizard, click Finish & close.

Deploying the Installer

The MSI file can be shared and deployed in a number of ways thus offering LogMeIn Rescue users flexibility in how their Unattended Access devices are initially set up. Below you can find some examples for sharing and deploying the installer file:
  • Sending the MSI via email to a vendor in a remote location
  • A field service agent storing the MSI on a pendrive to install on machines in the field
  • Placing a download link to the MSI on a portal page for self-service customer installs
  • Deploying the MSI via group policy to machines on an internal network
    Note: This option assumes you are familiar with and use built-in Windows software distribution methods such as Microsoft Group Policy Management.

Managing Unattended Access in the Admin Center

This section describes the management of the MSI installers created by the Access Wizard. For information about general management of unattended computers, see Assign or delete unattended computers.
  1. In the Administration Center, select the Technicians root or a Technician Group on the Organization Tree.
  2. Select the Computers tab.

    Result: Under section Unattended MSI-s the list of installers generated for the selected organizational entity is displayed.

  3. You can manage the MSI installer in the following ways.
    Download the installer again
    Under Regenerate installer, click x86 or x64 depending on your OS.
    Make the installer expire
    Under Regenerate installer, click the Make package expire icon.
    Note: The installer cannot be downloaded anymore.
Article last updated: 10 April, 2024